My Toastmaster journey has been very rich in those explosive moments that make you learn or discover something.

As District Director

As the District Director, I had the unique opportunity to start a new district and all its procedures, bringing in the best practices from the District from which we split and merging those with my business experience to optimize performance. My new District covered ten different countries, with as many other languages and cultures, and I had to use my best intercultural skills to create a well-performing group. My core team covered six nationalities, languages, and cultures and managed to operate to its best in reaching Smedley Distinguished status in our first year of operation. I learned how important trust, respect, a good relationship, and spirit are for the functioning of a team.
As the immediate Past District Director, I learned to let go, provide respect to the current trio, and empower them with the necessary guidance and mentoring.

As Region Advisor

As the Region Advisor for two terms, I learned the diversity of my eight districts. I developed my facilitation skills and the art of retaining positivity (even during the pandemic) through continuous appreciation, recognition, and assisting leaders to realize their full potential amidst challenges. I also learned the importance of identifying and resolving conflicts immediately.
During both years of my RA experience, I worked with my fellow RAs in developing the Strategy Guide for Districts, a collection of proven strategies that help Districts achieve their foreseen goals. I significantly helped in making sure the District Leaders had a straightforward Process and Strategy for developing a multi-year plan to grow their District, starting from an analysis of the current situation and a vision of how the District could develop, then designing the tactics and actions needed to make that vision become a reality. In particular, in that guide and in the training I gave, I insisted on the multi-year approach that should be considered in a District Strategy and how that strategy should be aligned and contribute to the TMI strategic plan.

As Club Member

Over my twelve years in Toastmasters, I have been a member of six clubs and helped charter five. I earned DTM recognition two times, the first in slightly more than three years. I am following three Pathway paths (Effective Coaching, Presentation Mastery, Visionary Communication), two of which I hope to finish this year. I have taken 24 official roles, 14 at club level and 10 above. As District Director, together with my 40 leaders, I took a completely new district to Smedley Distinguished status. In the various roles in Toastmasters, I learned to practice servant leadership, the art of listening and understanding. All this while I was balancing the work, family, social, and Toastmasters life and achieving success in all four aspects of my life.